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“Thales . . . declared that the earth rests on water”

A Selected Project: The Sanitation Project of the Joal-Fadiouth Medical Center

We often draw a binary between art and science. We ask, "Are you left brained or right brained?" My intent in creating this piece was to signal to the viewer that these two works are one in the same. So I ask, to which do you ascribe beauty?

While living and working in Senegal, I became concerned with the sanitation within the hospital within which I was working. Feeling the need to take action, I created a sanitation project proposal that I then submitted to the Dakar Women’s Group, a charity organization in Senegal (a .pdf of the application may be found below). Although granted almost double the amount of funds requested (2200USD) to implement my project idea and design, I ultimately decided to terminate the project on grounds of deeper personal, anthropological, and developmental understandings. Through this experience, I learned that sometimes helping can hurt and that there is value in failure.

A Selected Artwork: To Which Do You Ascribe Beauty?

A Selected Work: Implications of Temperature on the Efflux of Milk Through Varying Pipe Specifications

A Selected Painting: The Modern Heart

Done in acrylic, I wanted to capture what the heart of a person may look like today. With the many modalities of expression and individuality existing in the 21st century, we often abstract our true feelings and emotions. We haphazardly stroke ourselves into existence hoping to distinguish ourselves among a 7 billion person world. 

A Selected Work: Nepal Pani

Selected from a class entitled The Sustainability of Water Systems, I worked with a colleague, Cody Renfrew, at the University of St. Louis in Madrid to create a scenario wherein a temporary gravity fed water system was needed. Please click the .pdf to see the final document that was created.

Selected from a course entitled Experimental Design, I worked alongside Sean McSherry and Ben Tschan to understand how to maximize the rate at which milk can be transported from the post-pasteurization process to the bottling process. We found that the efflux times decreased with increasing temperature and that the shortest pipe length with the largest diameter is desired.

An Honors Thesis: Developing a Shark Repellent

Working under the counsel of Dr. James K. Ferri, I developed a patented biodegradable hydrogel bracelet loaded with an Isovaleraldehyde/SDS/water microemulsion that could be worn in marine environments to deter sharks through olfaction. After developing a
stable microemulsion (see ternary phase diagram above), I was able to prototype multiple iterations of delivery mechanisms and materials. After building a final product, I conducted field trials off of the western shores of Oahu.

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